Nursery Admissions
In the nursery we have 26 full time equivalent places split between morning and afternoon each offering the free 15 hours per week.
Children attending the morning session at the nursery arrive at 8.5am and are collected at 12.05am. The afternoon session starts at 12.05pm and finishes at 3.15pm. Full time places are also offered. Start time is 8.55am and finishes at 3.15pm. Lunch is provided at the appropriate rate at the time. Funding for full time places can be through the national scheme which parents must apply for. You can also pay the school direct. Details will be provided to all applicants offered a place.
Applications for places in Nursery are made directly to the school.
The nursery follows the same criteria as for the main school in allocating places. Each year the number of applicants and the number requesting part time places will determine the mix of full and part time places. If we offer full time places parents will receive the free 15 hours offer and then the other 15 hour offer to create a full time place will be charged at the rate applicable, parents can also apply for the Governments additional 15 hour offer. Parents will on the application form denote the place they are requesting. For full time places there will be a charge for school meals and a charge for staff supervising children who stay for lunch who are not covered by the current funding scheme for school.
Nursery Admission Form word format you can download and return.
For our nursery we offer a 4pm tour every Thursday during term time.
- Enter via the Nursery Entrance
- To book e mail:
- Wandsworth Nursery Brochure is now only on line: Nursery School Places
For our school tour we offer a 9.30am tour every Thursday during term time. We have to follow strict rules on visiting the school which are as follows:
- Please come to the main entrance.
- To book a place on a tour please email: