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Beatrix Potter School

Remote Learning

Remote Learning


In the event of a lockdown...


Beatrix potter uses the Google Classroom platform. All children have their individual unique logins. Once inside the classroom, the full curriculum is covered. Children must attend a minimum of three live sessions a day. The first two provide teaching for the Maths and English sessions. The final session for the day is an opportunity to clear up any questions, come together for a wellbeing session and maybe share a story.

In EYFS and KS1, we continue with our phonics sessions through live lessons at the beginning of the day.

In addition there are a minimum of one live throughout Maths and one live throughout English lesson per week. 

All children have a scheduled guided reading session one a week.

By using a blend of live and pre-recorded sessions (synchronous and asynchronous) we support the range of needs within our of families. This blend also provides respite and breaks from the screen.

Key worker children in school are cared for by the Teaching Assistants attached to their year group. This group of children access exactly the same learning as those at home through Google Classroom using the large interactive whiteboard screen in the classroom.


In the event of self-isolation


Children who need to self-isolate for Covid reasons, and are feeling well enough, are invited to join the Oak Academy learning platform. There are three pre-recorded teaching sessions a day.

The link to this is:

 Oak Academy