Key Stage 1
General Information
Book-bags in school everyday please and do write in the PACT books daily.
Children are able to enjoy a piece of fruit each morning play.
We open the school gates at 8.40am and welcome the children into class from then. The register is called at 8.50am so anyone arriving after that time will be marked as late. Key Stage one is dismissed at 3.20pm at the KS1 playground (Magdalen Road side). We ask all parents and carers to stand well back on the white 'tram lines' so that the staff can be clear that they have seen the adult collecting a child and send them to them.
Contacting Teachers
Our teachers are very happy to set up meetings. You can email them or catch them briefly at the beginning or end of the day to organise a time outside of the school day where all can sit and discuss.
Local area trips where the children might walk down the library will not need your permission. Travelling further a field or with transport will require your permission. Obviously we have to charge (Charging Policy Link) but we always aim to keep costs down and we can on many occasions reduce costs by subsidising some trips.
If you are asking someone else to collect you child at the end of the day we must have a letter or an email to confirm who this is with. We will not let children leave without permission in writing. One letter with details will suffice.