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Beatrix Potter School


How do we Assess Children?



Teachers assess in two ways: formative and summative. Formative assessment is the day to day assessment that leads to supporting the child as they are learning in the classroom. It also feeds into the teacher's planning - do the children need to revisit or can they move on?

Summative assessment is completed through compiling all of the evidence around a child's progress into a judgement for where they are at a particular given point. This will include how the children have performed in tests. Our children sit tests in class three times a year to help us track their progress and identify the areas that we need to teach to. 

All children also sit national tests. These are: Phonics (year 1, with any resits needed taking place in Year 2), end of KS1 SATs (maths and reading), Multiplication Tables Check (Year 4) and end of KS2 SATs (maths, reading, spelling/punctuation/grammar). These results are compiled nationally for schools and parents to benchmark to. Writing is also assessed and reported at the end of KS1 and KS2 and this is done through marking against clear shared criteria. The teachers' judgements are moderated internally and externally with other schools. Sometimes the judgements are moderated by an external advisor as part of a checking exercise.

We also sit tests on a termly basis in Maths from Year 1 upwards and Reading and SPAG (spelling, punctuation and grammar) from the end of Year 1 upwards.

Other subjects are assessed at the end of each topic either through the use of a quiz around the key concepts taught, and for art, PE and design and technology we assess against criteria given.



 To see our most recent SATs results please go to the 'Learning' tab of the website and scroll down to results 


Assessment Across the Rest of the Curriculum

All areas of the curriculum are important and the teachers use both the formative and summative approach. Teachers use the national curriculum to both plan from and assess to. Summative judgements for all subjects other than maths and English take place once a year and these are shared with the families through the final report in the summer.


We use NFER testing three times a year in reading, grammar, punctuation, spelling and maths to help inform our judgements and to inform future target setting, interventions and teaching.

In writing we formally assess one piece against the standards for each year group each term and moderate our judgement. See this link for details of the expectations for each year group in writing.

Assessing Writing by Year Group

In Geography, History, Science, Computing and RE we use quizzes to assess for the key points of each topic.

In Art, PE, Music, and Design and Technology we assess the children against a set of skills for whether they have achieved or are at greater depth in this area.