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Beatrix Potter School

Early Years

Early Years and Foundation Stage


Our EYFS team in Nursery and Reception take the very best care of the children and ensure that they learn with rapid progress during their years in the EYFS.

Learning is undertaken through a blend of formal teaching on the carpet, and extends throughout the day both in small groups, and through independent activities linked to a central theme. The staff team are on hand to delve into and extend the children's thinking at the point of learning. 

A love of books and learning to read is at the heart of all we do. We use Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised to systematically teach reading, and in Reception, the children take home one phonetically decodable book a week (see our Phonics page). In both Nursery and Reception, children take home ' reading texts so that after school you can get into the habit of reading time in addition to the the stories that you will be reading at bedtime.

We love to welcome parents and carers into the classroom to get involved in the children's learning. We operate a 'mystery reader' scheme where family members come and read stories to the class. We invite parents to come and talk about their experiences of, for example, living in another country, celebrating religious festivals, or an interesting job or hobby that they may have.

Children are able to enjoy a piece of fruit through the EU fruit scheme each morning play.

The gates open at 8.40am for Reception children and we expect all the children to be at the classroom door before the official start of school at 8.50am. Nursery gates open at 8.45am. Please see the School Times (see our School Times page).

Uniform is part of the school ethos and is expected to be worn (see our Uniform page)


In addition to our 1:1 meeting during our two stay and play settling in days, we have an Autumn and a Spring term parents and carers evening. In the summer you receive the report and are invited to come in to see the teacher to discuss the report and to look at your child's work. Every week Nursery and Reception send home a SWAY newsletter which includes photos, as well as key vocabulary to support your child and details of the core reading texts that the classes are working from.

Contacting Teachers

Either contact the office or the teacher directly to arrange a mutually convenient time. Teachers are not able to meet during classroom times but are keen to communicate. 


Local area trips where the children might walk down the library will not need your permission. Travelling further a field or with transport will require your permission. We always aim to keep costs down and may be able to reduce costs by subsidising some trips.

If you are asking someone else to collect you child at the end of the day we must have a letter or an email to confirm the details.  We will not let children leave without permission in writing. If this is a regular occurrence one letter with details will suffice.

Please send your child to school appropriately dressed for the weather as the children will spend time outdoors.

Nursery Curriculum Plan

Reception Curriculum Plan

Parents' Guide to the EYFS Framework