If you are looking for our Nursery Admissions page please click here!
For information on admissions, contact Sarah Scully on 020 8874 1482/info@beatrixpotter.wandsworth.sch.uk
Beatrix Potter is a two form entry school. This means that each year will have an admission limit of 60 pupils.
The official order of priority in allocated places is as follow
(i) Looked after children and those who ceased to be looked after children looked after because they were adopted, or because they became subject to a residence order, child arrangements order or a special guardianship order. This includes those children who appear to the Local Authority to have been in state care outside of England and ceased to be in state care as a result of being adopted.
(ii) Children with a professionally supported exceptional medical need or exceptional social need for a place at a particular school, as decided by Wandsworth Local Authority.
(iii) Brothers and sisters of children on the school roll on the date of admission, who live within the school’s first or second priority area.
(iv) Children of staff employed directly at the school
(v) Other children living within the first priority area in order of straight line distance from home to school as measured by Wandsworth Council’s Geographical Information System.
(vi) Other children living within the second priority area in order of straight line distance from home to school as measured by Wandsworth Council’s Geographical Information System.
(vii) Brothers and sisters of children on the school roll on the date of admission, who live outside the priority areas.
(viii) Other children living outside the priority areas in order of straight line distance from home to school as measured by Wandsworth Council’s Geographical Information System.
Although our admissions criteria does have two priority areas, if you are interested in joining our school, please do not worry about the priority areas, as they are largely historical. Our last set of successful admissions lived up to just over 850 metres in a straight line in any direction.
Within some categories applications will be considered in order of proximity to the school, where home to school distances are taken to be by a straight line. The straight line measurement used to prioritise applicants commences in all cases at the location of the property determined by the National Land Planning Gazetteer and terminates at the central point of the school site as determined by Wandsworth's Geographical Information system. Measurements by alternative systems and/or other points will not be taken into account in any circumstances. Where applicants have identical distance measurements, priority amongst them will be determined at random.
The first priority area is bounded by and includes the following roads: Openview (east side from the school boundary wall to the corner of Burntwood Lane); Burntwood Lane (north side from Openview to Trinity Road, odd numbers 227 and upwards); Trinity Road (west side from Burntwood Lane to Magdalen Road, odd numbers 261-309); Magdalen Road (numbers 1-145).
The second priority area is those roads to the east of Trinity Road known as the “Toast - rack” and Trinity Road (numbers 238-324) and the roads to the north of Magdalen Road including Groom Crescent, Strickland Row, Alma Terrace, Heathfield Square and Heathfield Road to the junction of Earlsfield Road, Wilde Place and Carmichael Mews.
Click below for a link to begin the application process:
Primary School Admissions Application
For more information about the admissions criteria please click the link:
Beatrix Potter Admissions Policy
Admissions at Reception are managed by the Wandsworth Borough Council and applications should be made directly to them. We will also be able to advise you on the likelihood of obtaining a place at Beatrix Potter. Full details of the admission criteria are contained in the Council’s ‘Choose a Wandsworth Primary School book.
Application Forms are available from the Pupil Services Team at Wandsworth Town Hall. Their telephone number is 020 8871 7316 or you can contact them by email at admissions@wandsworth.gov.uk.
If you wish your child to join us at Beatrix Potter we advise you to name us as your first preference but also apply to other schools, in case your application is not successful.
If you are unsuccessful in gaining a place, you will automatically be entered onto the waiting list which is held by the council. The waiting list applies the same criteria as the initial admissions procedure.
Many parents gain places later in the school year and we pride ourselves on our ability to welcome and settle children who join us later. It is important to remember that you have to renew your application each year by contacting the council. If you require clarification do contact BP by phone or e mail. We would also discourage parents who see us as a stepping stone to the private sector before Year 6. Our children move on to both the best state and private schools and we continue to achieve 100% success at common entrance, gaining both scholarships and subsidised places. We offer verbal and non verbal reasoning classes from Years 4 upwards to support with the Independent and selective secondary school application process. Go to our secondary transfer section for more information.
If you believe that the admissions procedure has been incorrectly or unfairly applied to your application, please contact Wandsworth Council for more information. Details of the timetable and procedure can be found through this link:
Admission Appeal and Timetable
Due to parental mobility we do have some places in a range of year groups and we are happy to fill them. Talk to the office staff about the current position and the procedures to gain a place. If you are already in a Wandsworth school you may move your child to a new school in the borough. You must complete an in year transfer form:
Email info@beatrixpotter.wandsworth.sch.uk for more information, (including a tour and a meeting to discuss your application) and support with a move.